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Anti-Glycation Formula is a state-of-the-art supplement based on the latest scientific findings on glycation. It contains, in particular, benfotiamine and pyridoxamine, vitamins that help maintain good cardiovascular and nervous system function, both of which are key targets of glycation and oxidative stress.
Glycation is a spontaneous and irreversible chemical reaction which occurs between a sugar (particularly glucose) and a protein (whether a tissue or circulating protein, extracellular or intracellular). It is a completely normal process but is accelerated in certain pathological situations such as diabetes, chronic stress or atherosclerosis.
It leads to the formation of ‘glycated’ proteins (glycation end-products) (1-2) which cannot be destroyed or eliminated, and so accumulate in the body, disrupting cell, hormone and organ function, etc. Proteins that play a fundamental role as hormones (insulin) or growth factors lose their function when they become glycated. Accumulated glycated proteins activate inflammatory cells and promote oxidative reactions which are again damaging for the body.
The types of protein most affected include albumin, insulin, haemoglobin, immunoglobulin, lipoprotein, fibrinogen, and of course, collagen, elastin and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
Glycation has a significant effect in accelerating the processes governing ageing, just like oxidation with which it is associated.
Skin ageing is the most obvious sign of the consequences of glycation: wrinkles, loss of elasticity and reduced healing ability. But the skin is just the visible manifestation of changes affecting the whole body – the muscles, blood vessels, eyes, brain and many other organs.
When there are too many non-functional proteins, the body becomes a target for degenerative diseases and ages prematurely. It’s therefore advisable to take a sensible, long-term approach to restricting this natural and irreversible process, by using glycation inhibitors, which are well-documented in the scientific literature, and by reducing your blood sugar levels naturally. Elevated blood glucose leads to an acceleration in glycation.
The composition of Anti-Glycation Formula is based on a well-documented body of scientific data on glycation.
It contains, in particular:
We recommend taking two capsules a day, with, or between, meals.
We also recommend adopting the following measures to help restrict the glycation process:
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
april 12 2024
je ne suis pas en mesure de juger :je vous fais confiance
I am not in a position to judge: I trust you
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december 4 2023
Valido fitocomposto antiglicazione che tuttavia è un pò invecchiato alla luce delle ultime scoperte. Infatti il grammo di carnosina scarsamente assimilibile in esso contenuto, andrebbe sostituito dalla carcinina, decisamente più biodisponibile ed efficace. Altrettanto andrebbe fatto per l'estratto di Mate da sostituire con 100 mg. di molto più specifico ed utile artiglio di estratto di foglie di Melissa titolata di acido rosmarinico, potentissimi anti glicanti. L'ho già evidenziato più volte speriamo che ne tengano conto!
Valid anti-glycation phytocompound, although it is somewhat outdated in light of recent discoveries. In fact, the gram of carnosine it contains is poorly absorbable and should be replaced with carcinine, which is significantly more bioavailable and effective. The same should be done for the Mate extract, which should be replaced with 100 mg of a much more specific and useful extract of Melissa leaves standardized to rosmarinic acid, which are powerful anti-glycating agents. I have pointed this out several times, and I hope they take it into account!
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july 16 2023
Semble efficace, analyse de sang à l'appui.
Seems effective, supported by blood test results.
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june 14 2023
Buon prodotto, ma andrebbe aggiornato con la carcinina, sostanza anti glicante innovativa e molto più potente della carnosina che è soggetta a degradazione enzimatica durante l'ingestione. Mi auguro dato anche il costo e la ragionevole evoluzione dei prodotti che invecchiano se non portati al passo dei tempi, venga aggiornato a breve
Good product, but it should be updated with carnosine, an innovative anti-glycation substance that is much more potent than carnosine, which is subject to enzymatic degradation during ingestion. I hope, given the cost and the reasonable evolution of products that age if not kept up to date, it will be updated soon.
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march 1 2023
C est tres difficile evaluer un supplement alimentaire n etant pas un medicament.
It is very difficult to evaluate a dietary supplement as it is not a medication.
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