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6 top tips to put an end to snacking

We all know it – snacking is one of the main obstacles to staying in shape or losing weight. But it’s not always easy to say no in the face of an intense craving or a dip in energy...

Grapes – autumn’s health booster!
Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Grapes - autumn’s health booster!

The humble grape is without doubt the star fruit of the autumn season! Its popularity, however, is not just due to its deliciously sweet taste but also – and perhaps more importantly – because it offers many benefits for our health.

Stress & Mood
After the holidays: how to go back to work painlessly

All the benefits you’ve gained from being on holiday seem to evaporate within a few days: the stress and fatigue return, your mood darkens, your motivation deserts you … Read on for our top tips on how to ease yourself back into work or school!

Liver & Detox
Everything you need to know about spirulina!

The latest food trend among top chefs, a complete meat substitute for vegetarians, a superfood with exceptional benefits … spirulina is grabbing more and more headlines across the globe.

Longevity (Anti-ageing)
5 good reasons to stock up on antioxidants

Antioxidant substances are able to combat the harmful effects of free radicals, and thus offer multiple benefits for our health. Below we list five excellent reasons to stock up on antioxidants and protect your body to the max.

Could your stomach ache be caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori?

Have you heard of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori? Perhaps not, as awareness of this pathogen is far from widespread, despite it being responsible for many cases of stomach ache. Indeed, around 50% of us may be harbouring this germ which is believed to be the principal cause of gastro-duodenal ulcers.

How to sleep in hot weather: our six top tips

With the rise in temperature, trying to get a good night’s sleep can feel like tackling an assault course. But don’t despair: here are our six top tips to help you sleep like a baby despite the oppressive heat.

Inner balance
5 good reasons to consume ginger

Even if the supposed aphrodisiac effects of ginger have yet to be scientifically proven, this Asian spice nonetheless offers a surprising number of health benefits, as demonstrated in close to 100 clinical trials.

Stress & Mood
7 tips to beat PRE-HOLIDAY STRESS

The demands seem endless; your schedule’s jam-packed. But don’t despair. Here are our top anti-stress tips to help you cope with the pressure and remain cheerful till you head off on holiday.

Lose weight before summer: your essential slimming checklist!

Want to lose weight before summer but don’t know where to begin? Don’t be tempted by draconian diets promising miraculous results! Instead, follow our effective slimming tips. They will genuinely help you regain your figure, without the frustration or dreaded yo-yo effect. Discover our winning slimming checklist and turn your pre-summer weight loss goals into reality!

Seasonal allergies
Seasonal allergies: 5 essential steps!

Sneezing, coughing, streaming eyes … seasonal allergies blight the lives of around 36 million Americans, and incidence has been rising in recent years. What steps can be taken to relieve the symptoms? Read on to find out.

Longevity (Anti-ageing)
Everything you need to know about vitamin E, tocotrienols and tocopherols!

Getting plenty of vitamin E? Of course you are! But, wait a minute. This vitamin is more complex than it seems. What exactly does it do? Which form should you take? What is the difference between tocopherols and tocotrienols?

Candida albicans, friend or foe?

So what exactly is this fungus? What risks does it present? How can we prevent infection? What can we do to get rid of it? Read on for a summary of everything you need to know about Candida albicans.

Dietary supplements: everything you need to know!

Lacking in vitamins or minerals? Painful joints blighting your life? Having difficulty sleeping? Dietary supplements could well prove helpful in cases such as these.

Received wisdom on arthritis: separating fact from fiction!

Arthritis is a very common disease of the joints, but how much do you really know about it? Surveys suggest that our understanding is often inaccurate due to the many misconceptions circulating about this chronic condition.

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