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ProstaNatural Formula
ProstaNatural Formula is a comprehensive and meticulously formulated supplement, aimed at men over 50. It contains several exceptional nutrients in vegetarian capsules, which help improve urinary and prostate function, such as extracts of saw palmetto and nettle root, for unrivalled and measurable results.
You can buy ProstaNatural Formula to improve urinary and prostate function, benefiting from its natural active principles, combined in a single vegetarian capsule for unrivalled results.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterised by an increase in the size of the prostate. This results in abnormal pressure on the bladder and causes problems with urination (intermittent flow, pain, frequent need to urinate, dribbling at the end of urination, weak urine stream, bladder stones, urinary infections …).
It’s estimated that over 50% of 60-year-old males are affected, rising to almost 90% at the age of 90 (6). The causes are not yet fully established, but it’s known that testosterone and certain of its derivatives play a role in prostate enlargement - it can reach seven times its original size (around 20g in weight).
Daily dose: 4 capsules Number of doses per box: 30 |
Amount per dose |
Extract of saw palmetto standardised to 45 % free fatty acids) | 320 mg |
Extract of nettle root 16:1 (Urticadioica) | 200 mg |
Beta-sitosterol (from 500 mg of soy extract 40 % Beta-sitosterol) | 200 mg |
Extract of Pygeumafricanum standardised to 2.5 % beta-sitosterol | 100 mg |
Extract of flower pollen 20:1 | 100 mg |
Di-indolylmethane | 100 mg |
Collinsoniacanadensis (root extract 4:1) | 100 mg |
Zinc (from 30 mg zinc arginate) | 4.5 mg |
Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopheryl acetate) | 200 IU |
Selenium (L-selenomethionine) | 80 mcg |
Other ingredients :Acacia gum, rice flour. |
To enhance the effects of some of the compounds in ProstaNatural Formula, you can also adopt the following measures:
Benefits can be felt from as early as the first few days of supplementation, but it takes several weeks’ use to fully appreciate the effects.
Alongside ProstaNatural Formula, you can buy the following supplements of interest at Supersmart: Prosta-Friendly, a natural, cranberry-based formulation, as well as a top-of-the-range extract of Saw Palmetto, to boost the effects of the free fatty acids in ProstaNatural Formula.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
This product is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
There are 170 reviews
july 30 2024
This mixture is for sure the right one for many men. For me ut did not work, I actually had trouble releasing water when needed in the Nights
october 30 2023
Excellent substitut aux médicaments
august 26 2023
Efficace et naturel
january 13 2023
It is un excellent produit
september 2 2022
It's a good product. It adapts perfectly to my needs.
november 30 2020
it is a good product
september 7 2020
I use it for more than ten years and for me it works very well !
june 25 2020
The product is good
january 29 2020
It's a good product.
september 4 2024
Pk pour stimuler la prostate, sans action sur le taux de PSA
august 18 2024
august 15 2024
ça m'aide énormément pour mon petit problème de prostate ;très efficace
It helps me a lot with my small prostate problem; very effective
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august 9 2024
Un des produits naturels parmi les plus efficace pour protéger sa prostate.
One of the most effective natural products for protecting the prostate.
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june 16 2024
Producto elaborado sin compuestos químicos sintéticos. Muy recomendable
Product made without synthetic chemical compounds. Highly recommended
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may 28 2024
Me encuentro satisfecho con el.
I am satisfied with it.
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may 3 2024
pas de recul pour dire quelque chose
no perspective to say anything
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april 23 2024
Ce produit a été efficace pour mon ami au début de la prise et pendant quelques mois. Mais en fonction de l'évolution inévitable due à sa pathologie, il faudra certainement rajouter un autre produit.
This product was effective for my friend at the beginning of use and for a few months. But due to the inevitable progression of his condition, it will certainly be necessary to add another product.
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april 19 2024
april 12 2024
march 25 2024
Buena calidad de productos, sobre todo de origen vegetal sin mucho rellenos (refillers) ni sintéticos.
Good quality products, especially those of plant origin without many fillers or synthetics.
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march 25 2024
Il donne de bons résultats sur la miction (facilitée), même à demi-doses. L'ortie notamment est une excellent plante. Par contre il ne semble pas remplacer l'allopathie (bêta-bloquants) pour les envies pressantes ! Les deux ensembles c'est parfait.
It gives good results for urination (easier), even at half doses. Nettle in particular is an excellent plant. However, it doesn't seem to replace allopathy (beta-blockers) for urgent needs! Both together are perfect.
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march 19 2024
Impossible de dire si l'effet est efficace ou pas. Toujours est-il que je continue afin d'entretenir la prostate contre une possible hypertrophie.
It is impossible to say whether the effect is effective or not. Nevertheless, I continue to use it to maintain my prostate against possible hypertrophy.
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march 6 2024
aucun effet constaté, pour se rassurer, on se dit que ça peut pas faire de mal.
no noticeable effect, to reassure ourselves, we tell ourselves that it can't hurt.
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february 26 2024
Mon mari utilise depuis plusieurs mois ce produit. Il en est content . Vraiment. Il se levait plusieurs fois par nuit pour uriner. Ce n' est plus le cas.
My husband has been using this product for several months. He is really satisfied with it. He used to get up several times a night to urinate. That is no longer the case.
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february 23 2024
february 17 2024
Je ne vois pas d'amélioration après 3 semeines de prise
I don't see any improvement after 3 weeks of taking it
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february 16 2024
Nul!! je vais 2x plus souvent aux toilettes, A déconseiller!
Terrible!! I go to the bathroom twice as often, Not recommended!
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february 14 2024
Il semblerait que ce produit contribue à un soulagement concernant les troubles de la prostate. A prendre sur le long terme, évidemment.
It seems that this product helps alleviate prostate issues. To be taken long-term, of course.
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february 2 2024
J' ai réduit a un passage au toilettes par nuit après un mois de prise (contre trois auparavant)
I reduced to one trip to the bathroom per night after a month of use (compared to three before).
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january 18 2024
Le produit est efficace et pratique
The product is effective and convenient
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january 14 2024
Un complément alimentaire qui me permet de diminuer les effets d'une prostate qui vieillit !
A dietary supplement that helps me reduce the effects of an aging prostate!
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january 9 2024
Bonne sensation de stimulation de la prostate
Good sensation of prostate stimulation
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january 9 2024
Très bon produit mais un peu cher par rapport à la concurrence...
Very good product but a bit expensive compared to the competition...
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december 21 2023
La pub autour de ce produit n'est absolument pas usurpée !
The hype around this product is absolutely justified!
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december 18 2023
december 18 2023
Cela fait des années que j'utilise ce produit. Aucune évolution négative sur la prostate mais une certaine stabilité. Donc je continue.
I have been using this product for years. No negative changes in the prostate but a certain stability. So I continue.
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december 5 2023
Produit correspondant à mes attentes.
The product meets my expectations.
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november 24 2023
bon produit un peux chere
Good product, a bit expensive
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november 18 2023
bonjour pour moi pas de changement état stable c'est déjà bien
Hello, for me no change, stable condition, that's already good
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november 17 2023
apparemment accepté par médecin au vu de sa composition
apparently approved by the doctor given its composition
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november 9 2023
november 2 2023
october 12 2023
efficace mais assez cher
effective but quite expensive
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october 7 2023
Ce produit correspond à mon attente
This product meets my expectations
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september 29 2023
september 15 2023
Très bon produit merci pour le conseil
Very good product, thank you for the advice
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august 28 2023
Je n'ai pas constaté de modification concernant le nombre de lever nocturne même après plusieurs mois de traitement !!!
I have not noticed any change in the number of nighttime awakenings even after several months of treatment.
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august 26 2023
august 22 2023
ça semble moyennement efficace.
It seems moderately effective.
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july 6 2023
june 23 2023
pour moi personellement je suis satisfait du produit
For me personally, I am satisfied with the product
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june 20 2023
A mi me va muy bien
It works very well for me
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june 18 2023
Grace à ce produit, plus jamais de lever nocturnes .... nuits parfaites...
Thanks to this product, no more nighttime awakenings... perfect nights...
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may 18 2023
Ce produit est ok
This product is okay
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april 30 2023
il m'à arreté l'accroisissemente de ma prostate
It stopped the enlargement of my prostate
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april 22 2023
Satisfait jusqu'à présent de ce produit.
Satisfied with this product so far.
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march 23 2023
Je suis toujours très satisfaite des produits dont nous avons besoin depuis des années.
I am always very satisfied with the products we have needed for years.
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march 10 2023
Produit efficace si on ne souhaite pas consommer des médicaments classiques qui provoquent des effets secondaires.
Effective product if you do not want to consume conventional medications that cause side effects.
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january 30 2023
Depuis que je prends ce produit, depuis 3 ans, ma prostate n'a pas augmenté de volume.
Since I have been taking this product, for 3 years, my prostate has not increased in size.
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january 17 2023
Je ne sairais m'en passer !
I couldn't do without it!
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january 12 2023
L’effet escompté n’est pas au rendez-vous
The expected effect is not there
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december 14 2022
Ce produit a permit une stabilisation de mes problèmes de prostate au point qu'ils sont devenus facilement gérables.
This product has allowed a stabilization of my prostate problems to the point that they have become easily manageable.
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november 28 2022
J'utilise ce produit depuis plusieurs années avec satisfaction
I have been using this product for several years with satisfaction
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march 25 2022
Resulta caro para consumirlo para siempre.
It turns out to be expensive to consume it forever.
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february 23 2022
Excellent résultats
Excellent results
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february 18 2022
Excellent produit. A un effet positif sur le fonctionnement de la prostate.
Excellent product. Has a positive effect on prostate function.
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january 10 2022
Resulta muy adecuado
It is very suitable
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december 16 2021
Produit de mauvaise qualité qui m’a généré des dérangements intestinaux, suivi d’une sévère diarrhée. De plus le service de réclamation est incompétent pour ce genre de problème lié à la santé.
Poor quality product that caused me intestinal discomfort, followed by severe diarrhea. Additionally, the claims service is incompetent for this type of health-related issue.
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november 21 2021
mi ha bloccato l'ingrossamento della prostata senza alcun effetto secondario. Sono oramai alcuni anni che la situazione è stabile, non peggiora. Ottimo
It has stopped the enlargement of my prostate without any side effects. It has been a few years now that the situation is stable and not getting worse. Excellent.
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november 7 2021
Très bon produit naturel
Very good natural product
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august 12 2021
A mi me va bastante bien
It's working quite well for me
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july 24 2021
july 2 2021
Excellent produit, par contre Prosta naturel freine HBP, mais ne peut pas sauver complètement si traitement tardif.
Excellent product, however, Prosta Natural slows down HBP, but cannot completely save if treatment is delayed.
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june 3 2021
Trop tôt pour le moment
Too early to tell
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may 21 2021
Ayuda para los problemas de inflamación de próstata
Help for prostate inflammation problems
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april 28 2021
à 78 ans on ne peut pas s'attendre à des miracles, mais ce produit permet de se contenir la nuit pendant trois heures.
At 78 years old, you can't expect miracles, but this product allows you to hold on for three hours at night.
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march 25 2021
Excellent produit.
Excellent product.
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march 19 2021
Me ha ido bien.
It has worked well for me.
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march 13 2021
Lo uso da sei mesi ma non vedo grandi effetti
I have been using it for six months but I don't see significant effects
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february 5 2021
Llevo cuatro meses tomándolo, y la mejoría ha sido o está siendo positiva, Un poco lenta pero a veces el deseo de uno es más exigente. De momento muy satisfecho Gracias
I have been taking it for four months, and the improvement has been or is being positive. A bit slow, but sometimes one's desire is more demanding. For now, very satisfied. Thank you.
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january 26 2021
utilisation quotidienne depuis plus de 6 mois
daily use for over 6 months
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january 13 2021
Funciona pero es un poco caro
It works but it's a bit expensive
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january 7 2021
Produit efficace dès le début de la cure. Je recommande sans réserve.
The product is effective from the start of the treatment. I recommend it without reservation.
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november 27 2020
Va bien! Alivia sintomatologia. Algo caro para mí.
It works well! It alleviates symptoms. A bit expensive for me.
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november 7 2020
Creo que, desde que tomo Prostanatural he ido bien. orino menos veces por la noche, generalmente 1 ó 2 y durante el día normal. En mis revisiones en el hospital todo va bien, y me han aplazado las visitas a periodo anual.
I believe that since I started taking Prostanatural, I've been doing well. I urinate fewer times at night, usually 1 or 2, and during the day it's normal. In my check-ups at the hospital, everything is going well, and they have postponed my visits to an annual period.
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october 16 2020
Effets assez nets sur l'amélioration de la fonction urinaire et sexuelle
Clear effects on the improvement of urinary and sexual function
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august 22 2020
june 24 2020
Utilisé depuis de nombreuses années, j'apprécie ce produit qui me fournit un meilleur confort urinaire.
I have been using this product for many years and I appreciate it because it provides me with better urinary comfort.
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june 23 2020
J’utilise ce produit depuis environ 8 mois et je ne constate aucune amélioration. J’arrête de le prendre.
I have been using this product for about 8 months and I do not see any improvement. I am stopping taking it.
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june 21 2020
j' en prends depuis plusieurs années. non, ça ne guérit pas. on pourrait dire que ça maintient les problèmes à un niveau acceptable et que ça tient le médecin à distance.
I have been taking it for several years. No, it doesn't cure. One could say that it keeps the problems at an acceptable level and keeps the doctor away.
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june 6 2020
es un buen producto, al menos en mi caso
It is a good product, at least in my case
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june 1 2020
Produit très intéressant en ce qui me concerne. Attendre 1 ou 2 mois pour voir la différence.
The product is very interesting as far as I'm concerned. Wait 1 or 2 months to see the difference.
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may 28 2020
Excellent pour les problèmes de prostate
Excellent for prostate problems
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may 26 2020
No había encontrado otro producto como este mi prostata ha disminuido mucho mi inflamación lo recomiendo ampliamente
I hadn't found another product like this; my prostate inflammation has significantly decreased. I highly recommend it.
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may 26 2020
Contient en une seule prise tous les ingrédients conseillés pour la HBP
Contains all the recommended ingredients for BPH in a single dose
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may 25 2020
may 19 2020
Llevó varios años tomándolo y es efectivo
I've been taking it for several years and it is effective
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april 22 2020
Ce produit semble donner de bons résultats; il est cependant toujours difficile de dire si c'est le traitement qui agit bien ou si il en serait de même sans le médicament.
This product seems to deliver good results; however, it is always difficult to say whether it is the treatment that is working well or if it would be the same without the medication.
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april 19 2020
La utilización de este producto me ha disminuido considerablemente la sintomatolgía prostática, especialmente necesidad de levantarme a orinar por las noches...
The use of this product has considerably reduced my prostate symptoms, especially the need to get up to urinate at night...
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april 19 2020
rien à signaler très bon produit!!
nothing to report very good product!!
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april 18 2020
la combinaison de ces deux produit m'ont fait un bien fou.merci
The combination of these two products has done me a world of good. Thank you
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march 30 2020
efficace pour l'adénome prostatique et pour le confort de vie
effective for prostate adenoma and for quality of life
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march 21 2020
march 10 2020
Combiné à Prostaphil, est d'une réelle efficacité.
Combined with Prostaphil, it is truly effective.
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march 4 2020
Para mi fue una buena solucion
For me, it was a good solution
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february 29 2020
Depuis que j'utilise ce produit, mon état parait stable.
Since I started using this product, my condition seems stable.
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february 20 2020
Le produit me convient bien mais il faut le prendre très régulièrement. J'ai rencontré une fois un problème de transporteur qui ne me livrait pas mais la société a tout arrangé et tout est rentré raidement dans l'ordre. Société très sérieuse
The product suits me well, but it needs to be taken very regularly. I once had an issue with the delivery service not delivering my order, but the company resolved everything and it was quickly sorted out. Very reliable company.
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february 2 2020
Pour ce qui me concerne, j'ai constaté une très nette amélioration. Semble être efficace. Résultat très positif après 1 à 2 mois d'utilisation aux doses indiquées.
As for me, I have noticed a very clear improvement. Seems to be effective. Very positive results after 1 to 2 months of use at the recommended doses.
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february 1 2020
january 29 2020
pas trouvé de résultats sur mon confort hurinaire
did not find any results on my urinary comfort
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january 27 2020
du mieux mais je n 'ai pas encore fini mon " traitement ". Vous donnerai nouvel avis d 'ici fin mars 2020
Better, but I haven't finished my "treatment" yet. I will give you a new review by the end of March 2020.
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december 30 2019
Es un producto muy valido
It is a very valid product
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december 29 2019
Ras très bien
Nothing to report, very good
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december 29 2019
Hay una notable diferencia entre el antes y el después de tomarla.
There is a noticeable difference between before and after taking it.
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december 11 2019
december 4 2019
Tres bon support pour la santé de ma prostate qui va très bien
Very good support for the health of my prostate, which is doing very well
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november 23 2019
Ce complément me satisfait, me soulage sur le plan urinaire, sans effet indésirable.
This supplement satisfies me, relieves me on the urinary level, without any side effects.
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november 18 2019
article satisfaisant je le commande depuis plusieurs mois
Satisfactory product, I have been ordering it for several months.
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november 5 2019
je l'utilise depuis longtemps et je suis complètement satisfait.produit efficace et fiable
I have been using it for a long time and I am completely satisfied. Effective and reliable product
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october 25 2019
Assez bon produit que je prend depuis longtemps . je n'ose pas l'arrêter de peur de dégrader ma prostate dont je sens que l'équilibre est fragile . Mon problème le plus délicat manque de pression du jet d'urine et là le produit n'a pas règlé le problème même à 5 gellules par jour. Ou en serais je si je ne prenais pas le produit ? Personne pour me le dire.C'est la limite de l' aotomédication.
Fairly good product that I have been taking for a long time. I don't dare stop using it for fear of worsening my prostate, which I feel is in a delicate balance. My most sensitive issue is the lack of urine stream pressure, and this product hasn't resolved the problem even with 5 capsules a day. Where would I be if I didn't take the product? No one can tell me. This is the limitation of self-medication.
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october 16 2019
Aide depuis plusieurs années à tenir sous contrôle une hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate.
Helps for several years to keep benign prostatic hyperplasia under control.
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september 19 2019
Producto que cumple con las expectativas
Product that meets expectations
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september 18 2019
ProstaNaturalFormula come supplemento alla terapia farmacologica della IPB, quando il farmaco specifico da solo non basta, è l'integratore alimentare migliore attualmente sul mercato.
ProstaNaturalFormula as a supplement to pharmacological therapy for BPH, when the specific medication alone is not enough, is the best dietary supplement currently on the market.
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september 17 2019
august 24 2019
Un véritable confort avec l'utilisation de ce produit à long terme.
A true comfort with the long-term use of this product.
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august 23 2019
Buenas cápsulas que de momento me han mejorado en algunos aspectos, pero no mucho en otros..y llevo tomándolas muchos meses.
Good capsules that have improved some aspects for me so far, but not much in others... and I've been taking them for many months.
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august 22 2019
bon produit meme si on voudrait encore plus d efficacité
Good product even though we would like it to be even more effective
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august 22 2019
august 13 2019
Produit pas encore complètement prouvé
Product not yet fully proven
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august 11 2019
august 9 2019
Probleemloos geleverd in weinig tijd
Delivered without any issues in a short amount of time
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july 25 2019
Bien desarrollado y completo
Well-developed and comprehensive
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july 19 2019
Hasta el momento a sido efectivo
So far it has been effective
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july 14 2019
Excelente producto
Excellent product
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july 12 2019
He notado mejoria en los sintomas de hiperplaxia benigna de prostata.
I have noticed an improvement in the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
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july 2 2019
june 1 2019
Utilisé avec Béta sitostérol. Produit efficace.
Used with Beta-sitosterol. Effective product.
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may 18 2019
Es bastante bueno.
It is quite good.
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may 9 2019
moins de levers nocturnes
fewer nighttime awakenings
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april 19 2019
excelente con buenos resultados
excellent with good results
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april 11 2019
Utilisé depuis peu mais avec de bons résultats.
Used for a short time but with good results.
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april 1 2019
Résultat meilleur que certains produits achetés en pharmacie.
Results better than some products bought at the pharmacy.
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march 27 2019
A mi me van muy bien, gracias
They work very well for me, thank you
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march 19 2019
Me alivia bastante los sintomas de mi prostatitis y las echo en falta si una temporada no las tomo, pero me resultan un poco caras.
It significantly alleviates the symptoms of my prostatitis and I miss them if I don't take them for a while, but I find them a bit expensive.
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march 18 2019
Bon produit; prix correct même s'il pourrait être un peu plus bas.
Good product; fair price, although it could be a bit lower.
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march 15 2019
produit trop cher
product too expensive
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march 2 2019
mejora mucho la micción fluida.
greatly improves smooth urination.
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february 28 2019
Funciona razonablemente bien. Es demasiado caro.
It works reasonably well. It is too expensive.
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february 7 2019
Produit très "complet" pour les messieurs à partir de 50 ans
Very "comprehensive" product for gentlemen over 50 years old
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january 30 2019
Produit de très bonne qualité très satisfaite
Product of very good quality, very satisfied
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january 14 2019
Ce produit m'a vraiment aidé à me lever moins souvent la nuit...
This product has really helped me get up less often at night...
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december 21 2018
Ce produit semble améliorer mes problèmes de prostate. Son action est certainement à évaluer sur le long terme. A mon avis, on ne doit jamais s'attendre à un effet spectaculaire et immédiat avec des compléments alimentaires.
This product seems to improve my prostate issues. Its effectiveness definitely needs to be assessed over the long term. In my opinion, one should never expect a dramatic and immediate effect with dietary supplements.
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november 1 2018
Ce produit permet à mon père de diviser par trois sa consommation de médicament chimique et bientôt de les supprimer totalement on espère.
This product allows my father to reduce his consumption of chemical medication by three times and hopefully eliminate them completely soon.
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october 8 2018
Tengo 69 años y, cuando tengo problemas con la próstata, no me falla.
I am 69 years old, and when I have prostate problems, it never lets me down.
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september 19 2018
Produit efficace. Plusieurs cures par année.
Effective product. Several courses per year.
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september 9 2018
Encore un peu tôt pour donner une appréciation
Still a bit early to give a review
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august 14 2018
Afortunadamente ha resuelto los problemas de estar levántandose por la noche 4, 5 y hasta 6 veces para izar al servicio.
Fortunately, it has resolved the problems of getting up at night 4, 5, and even 6 times to go to the bathroom.
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august 6 2018
Produit très satisfaisant
Very satisfying product
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july 31 2018
Ca ne guérit pas mais ça aide
It doesn't cure but it helps
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july 28 2018
Ce produit semble efficace car depuis que je le prends mon PSA à diminué. Pour l'instant je n'ai pas à me plaindre de sa qualité et de la rapidité, après commande, de l'expédition.
This product seems effective because since I started taking it, my PSA has decreased. So far, I have no complaints about its quality and the speed of shipping after placing the order.
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july 21 2018
Consommé depuis 4 ans avec une totale satisfaction.
Consumed for 4 years with complete satisfaction.
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july 21 2018
Ma prostate vous remercie!
My prostate thanks you!
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july 18 2018
Muy buen producto natural y eficaz
Very good natural and effective product
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july 14 2018
Importante para su mayor efectividad combinar con una dieta baja en harinas refinadas, azúcar ni dulces, nada de cerveza ni vinos blancos ni jóvenes y dormir las horas necesarias.
It is important for greater effectiveness to combine with a diet low in refined flours, sugar, and sweets, no beer or young white wines, and to get the necessary amount of sleep.
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july 12 2018
Llevo usando este producto muchos años, y mi urologo el Dr Benedict jefe de urologiadel hospital de la ribera.. Alcira no me lo ha sustituido por otro nunca
I have been using this product for many years, and my urologist, Dr. Benedict, head of urology at the Ribera Hospital in Alcira, has never replaced it with another.
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july 11 2018
Difficile, avec ce produit, d'établir un changement flagrant car avec ou sans lui, la situation varie un peu chaque jour sans que je puisse faire des liens de cause à effet. Ce qui semble rassurant, c'est que mon état n'a pas (plus ?) l'air d'empirer. Je l'utilise depuis 6 mois environ mais mes symptômes étaient plus anciens. Et bien sûr, un cas n'est pas l'autre. On ne peut rien dire tant qu'on n'a pas essayé.
It's difficult to establish a noticeable change with this product because, with or without it, the situation varies a bit each day without me being able to make any cause-and-effect links. What seems reassuring is that my condition doesn't (or no longer?) appear to be worsening. I've been using it for about 6 months, but my symptoms were older. And of course, one case is not the other. You can't say anything until you've tried it.
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july 5 2018
Il semble, après qques jours d'utilisation, que ce produit est efficace en ce qui me concerne, en comparaison - rapports qualité/prix/composition - avec d'autres produits de sites concurrents
It seems, after a few days of use, that this product is effective for me, in comparison - quality/price/composition ratios - with other products from competing sites.
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july 4 2018
Satisfait du produit mais son coût est élevé
Satisfied with the product but its cost is high
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july 3 2018
satisfait de ce produit mais plus efficace accompagné avec d'autres produits
satisfied with this product but more effective when used with other products
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june 22 2018
Très bon produit, sans problème
Very good product, no issues
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