Looking for an original, powerful and innovative flavonoid supplement? Good news: Supersmart offers a range of the best flavonoid supplements on the market. Flavonoids are the natural molecules that give flowers and fruit their colour. More importantly, they offer numerous health benefits such as the ability to strengthen capillary resistance (referred to as ‘venotonics’), exert potent antioxidant effects, modulate expression of certain genes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Flavones, flavonols, flavanones, chalcones: there are many different types, some of which have very specific applications.
Heading the list is Ginkgo biloba extract, with a high flavonoid content and very popular with our customers, FlavoFight, which contains flavobiotics for boosting gut flora, and the famous Pycnogenol®, the only patented extract of maritime pine bark, which improves the circulation.