Carbo Defense is a wide-spectrum formulation which helps prevent and counteract the negative effects of excess carbohydrates in the diet, now available to buy at Supersmart.
The ingredients in Carbo Defense reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into fat reserves, slow down their absorption into the small intestine, improve the body's sensitivity to insulin and regulate glucose metabolism in general.
A formulation like Carbo Defense can help you:
Carbo Defense is ideal for plugging any gaps' in a low-carb diet, or for boosting its beneficial effects when strictly adhered to. It contains a veritable and scientifically-supported arsenal of ingredients that bring several benefits.
Reduces blood glucose, stimulates glucose transport across cell membranes, mimics the action of insulin, and reduces weight and body fat, as shown in animal studies.
Controls carbohydrate cravings, reduces postprandial glycaemia and levels of glycated haemoglobin and generally improves pancreas function.
Normalises insulin function and regulates blood sugar levels (see Crominex® 3+).
Stabilises blood sugar and improves glucose tolerance.
Inhibits the activity of amylase, the enzyme which converts starch into fast-release sugars, and reduces oxidation of LDL-cholesterol.
Lowers blood glucose, improves its transport into cells, improves sensitivity to insulin, and possibly controls cholesterol and triglycerides.
Blocks absorption of starch, reduces absorption of glucose, improves sensitivity to insulin and reduces oxidative stress with a powerful protective effect on the liver.
Significantly improves (up to 20 times in vitro) glucose metabolis and activates enzymes which stimulate insulin receptors and inhibit enzymes which de-activate them. It also improves metabolism of glucose and of lipids in vivo and reduce triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in vivo, according to studies conducted by the US Dept of Agriculture.
Improves insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics and reduces blood glucose and insulin levels.
Buy Carbo Defense capsules to help protect against excess carbohydrates.
As well as supplementing with Carbo Defense, you may find these other nutritional supplements of interest too.
Discover the properties of Gymnema sylvestre, a gymnema leaf extract to regulate glucose metabolism. See also Glucofit™, a powerful transporter of glucose across cell membranes to control blood sugar.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
february 1 2024
Very complete product.
january 21 2024
Premier achat de ce produit donc pas encore d'avis précis.
First purchase of this product, so no specific opinion yet.
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september 5 2023
Encore un peut douteux du produit seule, mais en combinaison avec de la berberine ça semble être un peu plus efficace
Still a bit doubtful about the product on its own, but in combination with berberine it seems to be a bit more effective.
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august 2 2022
Sehr gute und wirksame Kombination zur Prävention von Diabetes und der Behandlung von Prädiabetes und Diabetes-Vorstufen wie Insulinresistenz. Leider eher teuer, besonders, wenn man 3 Kapseln täglich nehmen möchte und nicht nur bei übermäßigem Kohlenhydrat- und Zuckerkonsum.
Very good and effective combination for the prevention of diabetes and the treatment of prediabetes and early stages of diabetes such as insulin resistance. Unfortunately, it is rather expensive, especially if you want to take 3 capsules daily and not just during excessive carbohydrate and sugar consumption.
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september 20 2021
Sinnvolle und wirksame Kombination blutzuckersenkender Inhaltsstoffe.
A sensible and effective combination of blood sugar-lowering ingredients.
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