Cardio Clear is a remarkable formulation that draws on chelation, a medical procedure designed to eliminate harmful metals from the body, now available to buy at Supersmart in vegetarian capsules. Enriched with magnesium, allicin and bromelain, it tackles all aspects of the physiopathological mechanisms involved in the development of cardiovascular disease. It combines well with Tensix, a benchmark supplement for lowering cardiovascular risk.
Cardio Clear is for anyone at risk of cardiovascular problems.
The Interheart study demonstrated nine profiles at particular risk of cardiovascular problems (8):
Cardio Clear capsules contain two chelating agents, the previously mentioned EDTA, and malic acid, a compound with a pleasant taste, found abundantly in plant life, and naturally present in apples, pears and grapes.
It also contains other natural compounds widely studied for their anti-atherogenic properties.
Bromelain is a collective term for the proteolytic enzymes (those able to break down proteins into shorter fragments) present in the stem, fruit and leaves of the Bromeliaceae family of plants, which includes the pineapple. Approved and clinically used in Asia for reducing inflammation (9), studies have also identified its benefits for the cardiovascular system (10).
Unlike other enzymes, bromelain is not broken down by the digestive system: this means it can enter the bloodstream and thus exert a systemic effect.
There are three main mechanisms responsible for its cardiovascular benefits:
Bromelain is therefore of significant interest since it acts on three complementary targets connected with the development of cardiovascular disease processes.
The extent of its enzymatic activity is indicated in the composition of Cardio Clear: it’s expressed in GDU (gelatine-digesting units) per gram.
A mineral essential for cardiac function, magnesium has been conclusively shown to help reduce blood pressure. Clinical studies suggest that administration of magnesium supplements has anti-thrombotic effects (14) and helps prevent atherosclerosis (15). Epidemiological research has shown that the lower the level of magnesium in the blood (hypomagnesemia), the greater the risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems (16-17). US medical authorities actually recommend increasing magnesium intake to prevent and treat hypertension.
Indeed, many experts have commented that the low cost and excellent safety of magnesium supplements means they should be recommended for those at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cardio Clear provides magnesium malate which offers very high availability and solubility. This is important because where magnesium is concerned, it’s not quantity that counts but quality: inferior forms will not be properly absorbed by the body, potentially causing some unpleasant symptoms (such as osmotic diarrhoea) and significantly reducing its benefits.
Research has shown that garlic supplements may be beneficial for moderate hypertension due to its multiple effects on all the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This property was highlighted in hypertensive subjects in two meta-analyses (18-19). Its use is also recognised by the World Health Organization for preventing age-related vascular problems (atherosclerosis).
However, you would need to consume huge quantities of garlic to benefit from this property which is, of course, difficult. That’s why supplementation is so appropriate, particularly since the garlic in Cardio Clear is standardised in allicin, the component primarily responsible for garlic’s therapeutic effects.
Parsley contains two particularly beneficial antioxidants: apigenin and lutein. These reduce oxidative damage in the body which helps delay the development of cardiovascular disease. However, it is also included in the composition of Cardio Clear for another, quite different property: in forming specific enzymes, it is able to capture sulphur-containing compounds in the mouth and gut produced by garlic consumption. Cardio Clear thus has none of the unpleasantness of many garlic extract supplements (20).
Cardio Clear is an alternative formulation aimed at improving cardiovascular problems. It is based on oral chelation, a procedure supported by the American College for Advancement in Medicine, and incorporates a number of ingredients widely-studied for their benefits on circulation.
Chelation is a medical procedure designed to eliminate harmful metals from the body by means of a chelating agent. This agent binds to electrically charged minerals or metals, such as iron, lead, copper and calcium, to form a stable, non-toxic complex which is easily eliminated via urine.
In addition to its benefits for treating heavy metal poisoning, numerous studies also support this therapy’s preventive role in cardiovascular disease, particularly EDTA, the chelating agent in Cardio Clear (1). This growing interest is due to a number of different mechanisms (2-3):
Oral chelation therapy is growing in popularity: in the United States, almost 110,000 people a year use it in a preventive capacity (5) and this figure looks set to grow. A large-scale study carried out over the last few years identified a reduction of almost 20% in cardiovascular events among at-risk individuals (6-7) who underwent this procedure.
Note: though safe, EDTA is not recommended for people suffering from kidney failure, coagulopathy, or cirrhosis of the liver, or those taking anticoagulants.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
november 24 2024
Très bon produit, même si je n'ai pas d'echo-doppler pour vérifier, j'ai l'impression que ça fonctionne. L'utilisation est très facile et puisque la prévention n'est pas une spécialité de la médecine traditionnelle, c'est à nous de prendre soin de notre corps. Merci à supersmart de nous proposer ces produits de grande qualité !
Very good product, even though I don't have an echo-doppler to verify, I feel like it's working. It's very easy to use and since prevention is not a specialty of traditional medicine, it's up to us to take care of our bodies. Thank you to supersmart for offering us these high-quality products!
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may 30 2024
je suis très satisfaite de ce produit
I am very satisfied with this product
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december 24 2023
Productos de gran calidad
High-quality products
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september 13 2023
Utilisé avec Pantethine et Nattokinase, en vue de diminuer ma tension artérielle, les résultats sont stupéfiants en peu de temps (2 mois). Pour moi, c'est une réussite totale, retrouver la santé à 81 ans et vraiment formidable ! Je vais continuer mon traitement encore quelques mois en réduisant les doses, par simple précaution.
Used with Pantethine and Nattokinase to lower my blood pressure, the results are astonishing in a short time (2 months). For me, it's a total success, regaining health at 81 years old is truly wonderful! I will continue my treatment for a few more months while reducing the doses, just as a precaution.
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august 11 2023