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Dental&Gingival+Calcium Orotate

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Dental&Gingival+Calcium Orotate

No controversial excipients
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What is in it Dental&Gingival+Calcium Orotate

Calcium orotate
Magnesium orotate
TEES-10® (mixture of 60% Ligularia stenocephala leaf extract and 40% Secale cereale rye germ extract)

Any questions?

What is an orotate? What benefit does it offer?

Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid, a natural substance present in the body and also found in several foods.

Calcium is always sold in the form of salts (citrate, malate, carbonate, lactate, gluconate, orotate …) but the quality of this salt can be crucial to the supplement’s efficacy. Calcium carbonate supplements are the most commonly-available products, and the cheapest, but they are poorly absorbed by those with lower-than-average levels of gastric acid, which is unfortunately the case for most people over 60. They can also cause constipation problems.

Of all the supplements available, those in which the calcium is bound to an organic acid, such as calcium orotate, definitely offer the best rates of absorption, usually over 40%. They are more expensive but they deliver the calcium right to the cell nucleus, enabling optimal mineralisation.

How should Dental & Gingival Formula be taken on a daily basis?

To obtain the many benefits of Dental & Gingival Formula, you simply need to take two capsules a day with a glass of water.

Are there natural ways of treating and preventing gingivitis (swollen gums, inflammation of the gums)?

Gingivitis can be naturally prevented by ensuring impeccable oral hygiene. It’s important to brush the teeth regularly and maintain frequent dental appointments. Taking natural products such as Dental & Gingival Formula or certain natural extracts (myrrh, sage, marigold) completes this simple and effective approach.

Alongside supplementation, we’d also recommend following these scientifically-recognised measures for maintaining healthy teeth and gums in general:

  • avoid processed food, particularly ready-meals, which generally reduce both chewing and the secretion of saliva, as well as liquid and acidic products such as fizzy drinks;
  • change your toothbrush every 3 months;
  • after lunch, try chewing some natural, sugar-free gum, an effective and calorie-free way of stimulating saliva secretion. Saliva helps to fight dental plaque naturally. This is one of the recommendations made by numerous oral health organisations;
  • brush your teeth twice a day (no more as it can damage the tooth surface over time) using a manual rather than electric toothbrush as it less abrasive for tooth enamel. Ideally, use a natural toothpaste free from synthetic additives, preservatives, abrasives and artificial flavourings (such as Power Smile™ Toothpaste);
  • see your dentist at least once a year, especially for tartar removal (scaling) as tartar contributes to bacterial plaque. Depending on your health, your dentist may also recommend mouthwashes and perhaps direct you towards essential oils (lemon, clove, sage …) ;
  • ensure a good intake of calcium which helps maintain healthy teeth, by regularly consuming dairy products, canned sardines and almonds, or take a specific supplement to obtain higher amounts (such as Calcium Orotate) ;
  • take oral probiotics (such as Oral Health), especially if you think you don’t produce enough saliva, in order to maintain an optimal bacterial balance in your mouth;
  • make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
How should you take Calcium Orotate ?

To see significant long-term effects, you need to take 3 capsules a day one with each main meal , (protein intake is important for calcium absorption) for a period of several months. The addition of magnesium to this formulation helps maximise the calcium’s absorption.

As it appears the body can only absorb a maximum of 500mg of calcium at a time, you’re strongly advised not to take the daily dose all in one go.

With Calcium Orotate, you get 1350 mg of calcium orotate (providing 275.4 mg of elemental calcium) and 150 mg of magnesium orotate (providing 20 mg of elemental magnesium) every day.

Note: people with a high intake of animal protein appear to have a greater requirement for calcium.

There are a number of additional steps you can take alongside calcium supplementation:

  • supplement with other beneficial substances (BMPs, …) or natural formulations like Super Boswellia and Vitamin D 5000 IU.
  • make sure you frequently expose your skin to the sun;
  • reduce your consumption of caffeinated drinks (as they encourage loss of calcium and thus bone resorption) ;
  • take up or resume regular exercise (at a level appropriate for your physical condition).

Interactions to be aware of:

  • avoid taking other mineral supplements at the same time;
  • antibiotics, bisphosphonates, and thyroid hormones should be taken at a different time to calcium (a gap of at least two hours);
  • diuretics, corticosteroids and heparin all increase our requirement for calcium.

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