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Noopept supplement tested for boosting cognition

83 reviewsRead reviews

Noopept is an active compound for memory and cognitive abilities.
  • Contributes to an increase in learning ability, memory consolidation and logical reasoning.
  • Helps to reduces anxiety, stress and irritability.
  • Improves mood and quality of sleep.

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90 tablets

25.00 €


90 tablets

25.00 €

23.00 €

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  • Description
  • Composition
  • Directions for use

Noopept is a nootropic supplement to stimulate cognitive function, helping to increase learning ability, memory consolidation and restoration as well as logical reasoning, now available to buy at Supersmart.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics enable us to adapt better to life’s challenges, by facilitating day-to-day motivation and decision-making and by improving cognitive and neurosensory processe as a whole. They improve neurotransmission quality (gabaergic, cholinergic and glutamergic), facilitate learning and increase the speed at which we process information. This supplement is a natural way of improving memory, cognitive function and a significant aid to coping with day to day stress.

Noopept is a member of the racetam family and shares similar mechanisms of action but is potentially up to 1000 times more powerful than piracetam, which is widely used as an adjunct treatment for chronic cognitive and neurosensory impairment in older people. It is able to stimulate various receptors - dopaminergic (D2 and D3), cholinergic, nicotinic and serotoninergic, as well as reduce anxiety, stress and irritability, and improve mood and quality of sleep.

What are the benefits associated with Noopept?

  • Noopept stimulates the expression of two proteins in the hippocampus - the neurotrophins NGF (nerve growth factor) and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), involved in the generation and growth of new neurons.
  • This is a highly beneficial property since it helps neurons survive and maintains their activity. Its effect continues even after administration of Noopept ceases.
  • It also stimulates the glutaminergic receptors AMPA and NMDA which play an essential role in memory and synaptic plasticity, thus improving cerebral performance.
  • It is used to stimulate intelligence, cognitive function, concentration and focus.
  • This active compound has excellent bioavailability when taken sublingually, demonstrating immediate efficacy and visible results within just five to seven days of daily use. It easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is thus fully active in the brain.

Buy Noopept to help stimulate cognitive function.

What is in Noopept


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What do the studies show about Noopept?

This dipeptide, comprising proline and glycine (N phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester), was developed in Russia and patented in 1995. It is prescribed in Russia and neighbouring countries as a nootropic and neuro-protector. n addition, a study on mice showed Noopept to have anti-inflammatory effects linked to its antioxidant properties.

Noopept is recommended at doses of between one and three sublingual tablets a day and it's widely documented as safe with mild side effects observed only rarely at high doses (headaches, insomnia, nausea, fatigue). There is no dependency or interactions with other supplements or drugs that have been identified.


This product is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
There are 83 reviews






Excellent 83 Reviews
Costantino Grisanti

november 28 2024

prodotto semplice da assumere,efficace,ottimo boost per la memoria e concentrazione

Simple to take, effective, great boost for memory and concentration.

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Galli Lorenzo

november 17 2024

Recensione Noopept di Supermart: Un Potente Nootropico per Cognizione e Memoria Ho recentemente provato il Noopept di Supermart e sono rimasto davvero impressionato dai risultati. Questo integratore nootropico si è dimostrato un eccellente alleato per migliorare la mia concentrazione, memoria e lucidità mentale, soprattutto durante periodi di stress o di studio intenso. Effetti sulla cognizione Uno degli aspetti che mi ha colpito di più di Noopept è l'efficacia nel migliorare la mia capacità di concentrazione. Dopo aver assunto il prodotto, ho notato un notevole incremento della mia attenzione su compiti complessi, con una maggiore fluidità nel passaggio da un'attività all'altra senza distrazioni. Le parole fluiscono più facilmente quando scrivo o parlo, e la mia mente si sente meno affaticata anche durante lunghe sessioni di lavoro. Memoria e apprendimento Un altro effetto molto positivo è il miglioramento della memoria a breve termine. Le informazioni sembrano restare più facilmente impresse nella mente, e sono riuscito a ricordare dettagli anche minuti, che in passato sarebbero stati facilmente dimenticati. Questo è stato particolarmente utile durante gli studi, dove la capacità di trattenere informazioni in modo rapido e preciso è fondamentale. Umore e motivazione Nonostante Noopept sia principalmente un nootropico per la cognizione, ho notato anche un miglioramento nell'umore. Il prodotto non provoca ansia o nervosismo, ma al contrario, contribuisce a ridurre la sensazione di stanchezza mentale e fisica, portando ad un aumento della motivazione e della produttività durante le giornate lavorative più impegnative. Qualità e purezza Il Noopept di Supermart si presenta in una confezione pratica e ben sigillata. La qualità del prodotto è impeccabile, senza alcun tipo di impurezze o effetti collaterali notabili. La dose consigliata è facilmente regolabile, e mi piace particolarmente che venga venduto in una forma che consente di dosare con precisione, riducendo al minimo il rischio di assunzioni eccessive. Conclusioni In definitiva, consiglio vivamente il Noopept di Supermart a chiunque cerchi un supporto cognitivo potente e sicuro. È un prodotto che aiuta a migliorare in modo tangibile la concentrazione, la memoria e l'umore, senza effetti collaterali indesiderati. Che si tratti di studio, lavoro o semplicemente ottimizzare le prestazioni mentali quotidiane, Noopept si è rivelato un alleato prezioso per me. Se cercate un nootropico efficace e di alta qualità, Noopept di Supermart è sicuramente una scelta che vale la pena considerare!

Review of Noopept by Supermart: A Powerful Nootropic for Cognition and Memory

I recently tried Noopept from Supermart and was truly impressed by the results. This nootropic supplement proved to be an excellent ally for enhancing my concentration, memory, and mental clarity, especially during periods of stress or intense study.

Effects on Cognition

One of the aspects that struck me most about Noopept is its effectiveness in improving my concentration ability. After taking the product, I noticed a significant increase in my focus on complex tasks, with greater fluidity in transitioning from one activity to another without distractions. Words flow more easily when I write or speak, and my mind feels less fatigued even during long work sessions.

Memory and Learning

Another very positive effect is the improvement in short-term memory. Information seems to be more easily retained in the mind, and I was able to remember even minute details that would have been easily forgotten in the past. This was particularly useful during studies, where the ability to retain information quickly and accurately is crucial.

Mood and Motivation

Although Noopept is primarily a nootropic for cognition, I also noticed an improvement in mood. The product does not cause anxiety or nervousness, but on the contrary, helps reduce the feeling of mental and physical fatigue, leading to increased motivation and productivity during the most demanding workdays.

Quality and Purity

Noopept from Supermart comes in a practical and well-sealed package. The quality of the product is impeccable, without any impurities or noticeable side effects. The recommended dose is easily adjustable, and I particularly like that it is sold in a form that allows precise dosing, minimizing the risk of excessive intake.


In conclusion, I highly recommend Noopept from Supermart to anyone looking for a powerful and safe cognitive support. It is a product that helps tangibly improve concentration, memory, and mood, without unwanted side effects. Whether it's for study, work, or simply optimizing daily mental performance, Noopept has proven to be a valuable ally for me.

If you are looking for an effective and high-quality nootropic, Noopept from Supermart is definitely a choice worth considering!

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Barbara Maini

november 11 2024

Ho gravi problemi di concentrazione. Con questo prodotto ho trovato un po' di sollievo. Sono più presente e lucida. Prendo una compressa accompagnata da un caffè solo quando ho bisogno di stare concentrata perché prima prendevo un prodotto nootropico di altra marca in modo costante e temo di essermi assuefatta perché non ha più funzionato. L'effetto dura molte ore e non ha effetti collaterali, come per esempio eccitazione. Per ora funziona e sono molto contenta.

I have serious concentration problems. With this product, I found some relief. I am more present and clear-headed. I take a tablet accompanied by a coffee only when I need to stay focused because I used to take a nootropic product from another brand consistently and I fear I became accustomed to it as it no longer worked. The effect lasts many hours and has no side effects, such as excitement. For now, it works and I am very happy.

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Luigi Mario Pirovano

october 2 2024

Prodotto come da descrizioni

Product as described

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september 18 2024

Mit längerer Einnahme tritt eine kognitive Verbesserung ein.Prozesse verbessern sich mit kreativer Unterstützung. Vor allem mit zunehmenden Alter bzw. dessen Abbauprozessen.

With prolonged use, cognitive improvement occurs. Processes improve with creative support. Especially with increasing age or its degenerative processes.

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