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Pack Detox 3

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Pack Detox 3

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

What is in it Pack Detox 3

Psyllium husk powder
Reduced glutathione
Picrorhiza kurroa extract
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
Ginkgo biloba extract
Aloe ferox leaf extract

Any questions?

What can I combine colon Cleanse Formula with ?

For optimal detoxification of the digestive tract, other dietary supplements of interest are available to buy at Supersmart. To support your detox treatment, you could, for example, take the supplement Rehab, a concentrate of nutrients for stimulating the body’s detox mechanisms. The product Lectin Flush can help eliminate lectins, proteins known to play a role in some cases of food sensitivity or hypersensitivity.

What is in the supplement Lung Detox?

Lung Detox contains the most scientifically supported ingredients with benefits for strengthening lung tissue and relieving symptoms related to inflammation of the respiratory tract:

  • Reduced glutathione, the most powerful endogenous antioxidant in the body. Glutathione levels in the body decline with age (9-10).
  • Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg), extracted from green tea leaves. EGCg is the most potent of the catechins: it helps protect lung tissue against oxidative stress. It boosts and complements the formula’s other ingredients, increasing its cleansing effects.
  • Quercetin, extracted from the flower buds of Sophora japonica. Quercetin is a flavonoid with powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Bromelain (2000 GDU/g) is a group of proteolytic enzymes which do not get broken down by the digestive system and therefore enter the bloodstream. There they exert a systemic anti-inflammatory effect because of their ability to inhibit production of pro-inflammatory messengers (prostaglandins). All the available scientific evidence suggests that bromelain is effective at relieving inflammation (11-12), particularly in the sinuses (13).
  • Curcuminoids extracted from the roots of Curcuma longa. Curcuminoids are powerful antioxidants able to fight the inflammation that plays a key role both in the decline of respiratory function and in many chronic diseases.
  • Extract of Petasites hybridus (butterbur) standardised to 15% sesquiterpene lactones. Several studies have shown butterbur to be beneficial for relieving various breathing problems such as asthma, cough and respiratory allergies (14-15).
  • Extract of maritime pine bark standardised in OPC (proanthocyanidins). OPC are flavonoids known for their significant antioxidant properties (20-50 times greater than those of vitamins C and E).
How should Lung Detox capsules be taken?

The recommended dose is one capsule with each of the two main meals of the day. Throughout the supplementation period, it is also a good idea to take the additional measures listed below.

Reduce your sugar intake

Several clinical trials have shown that consuming less sugar helps improve stamina in people with chronic bronchitis. Digesting sugars produces more carbon dioxide than digesting protein or fat and removing carbon dioxide is more difficult when the lungs are damaged.

Gradually increase your level of physical activity

During exercise such as jogging, swimming or even walking, your muscles work harder and you therefore require more oxygen. To meet this additional need, your breathing and circulation increase. If you engage in such exercise regularly, your muscles get used to it and become stronger, reducing the amount of oxygen needed to sustain the physical activity (16).

Learn to breathe better

People with damaged or inflamed respiratory function are often in a state of chronic hyperventilation and lack oxygen. To improve this problem, we recommend practising breathing exercises to strengthen the diaphragm, improve gas exchange in the lungs, promote relaxation and facilitate expectoration of bronchial secretions. And it goes without saying that smoking is definitely not recommended...

You can combine Lung Detox with other supplements available to buy at Supersmart such as the liver detox supplement Silyplus if you suspect your liver function is also compromised (by exposure to toxins such as alcohol, drugs, cleaning products, pesticides …). You can also add a natural anti-inflammatory such as Super Omega-3 if you think the inflammation is systemic.

Buy Lung Detox capsules to optimise respiratory function.

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