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Vegetable charcoal supplement for reducing bloating/gas

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Charcoal is an activated vegetable charcoal supplement for relieving intestinal gas.
  • Reduces excessive and foul-smelling flatulence.
  • Helps to eliminate bad breath related to abnormal fermentation in the gut.
  • Fights toxins and bacteria.

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200 Veg. Caps.

19.00 €


200 Veg. Caps.

19.00 €

17.48 €

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Charcoal is an activated vegetable charcoal supplement in vegetarian capsules, for tackling bacteria, toxins, and above all, gas. Sometimes described as a ‘band-aid for the gut’, you can buy this supplement to help eliminate flatulence, belching, aerophagia (excess swallowed air), as well as bad breath related to abnormal fermentation in the gut. These benefits will help improve oro-gastro-intestinal health.

Who is Charcoal for?

Charcoal is primarily aimed at:

  • Those suffering from excessive flatulence.
  • Those affected by bloating and abdominal distension.
  • Those troubled by foul-smelling flatulence.

How is Charcoal produced?

Activated charcoal is charcoal that has undergone an activation process to give it an expanded, porous surface. This is made up of microcrystalline graphite layers with numerous pores, the number and size of which depend on the raw material and quality of activation.

Charcoal is obtained from a resinous wood, and then ‘activated’ to produce a network of ultra-fine pores.

What is in Charcoal

Activated charcoal
Organic compound

Any questions?

What causes flatulence?

Although passing gas through the rectum is a completely normal physiological process, in excess, it can be a major handicap. On an empty stomach, the average volume of gas in the gut is around 200ml, but around 600ml of intestinal gas (with a variation of 475ml-1500ml) is released each day via the anus (1).

On average, people pass gas 10 times a day, though this varies significantly between individuals. There is undoubtedly a correlation between the frequency of flatulence and the volume of intestinal gas (2).

There are two main factors behind the production of intestinal gas:

  • Swallowing air. Each time we swallow, 5-10ml of air reaches the stomach. Most of this is ‘burped out’ but the amount arriving in the intestines is still around 400 ml.
  • Bacterial fermentation. The remainder is produced by bacterial fermentation of undigested carbohydrates and glycoproteins. It’s estimated that around 20% of the carbohydrates we ingest during a meal are not digested (3), added to which are the indigestible oligosaccharides in pulses. Fructose and sorbitol, found in fruits and processed food also contribute to the production of gas by gut bacteria.

Flatulence may also be related to rare malabsorption conditions, lactose intolerance or the inability to burp out enough swallowed air. Flatus, or intestinal gas, is primarily composed of nitrogen (over 90%), as well as hydrogen, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, hydrogen sulphide, (responsible for the smell), dimethyl sulphide, and skatoles, which are mostly responsible for the noise (4).

What are the main problems caused by flatulence?

Almost half of all people who complain of excessive flatulence produce no more gas than other individuals, but they retain it for longer (5). Others are affected by increased fermentation.

Around 20% of Western populations suffer from bloating and embarrassing flatulence. For the majority, mostly women, these flatulence problems are accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal tension, an unpleasant sensation of pressure, rumbling, bloating and even pain – felt predominantly around the navel and lower abdomen (6). However, the symptom considered to be the most troublesome remains abdominal distension which can be objectively measured and is therefore not simply an impression. In those affected, there is generally impaired abdominal wall muscle tone: retention of gas produces a paradoxical relaxation of the muscles involved in maintaining tone in the lower abdomen.

These symptoms are normally worse at the end of the day but are relieved by defecation.

When should I take Charcoal?

Active charcoal supplements must be taken after meals, and not at the same time as medication.

Are there any precautions to be applied when taking activated charcoal?

Drinking alcohol is not recommended while supplementing with charcoal capsules as it may reduce its ability to absorb gases and toxins (7). Taking oral medication may have the same effect. Activated charcoal should therefore be taken over an hour after ingesting either of these, and after consulting a health professional.


This product is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
There are 9 reviews






Excellent 9 Reviews
Bernard Michel

april 15 2024

produit génial pour des intestins sensibles!

great product for sensitive intestines!

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march 29 2024

J'utilise ce produit depuis plusieurs année et il est au Top!

I have been using this product for several years and it is top-notch!

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Marcel Desprets

february 11 2024

(il faut nettoyer sa toilette??? NON)

(you need to clean your toilet??? NO)

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Bernard Michel

december 29 2023

Le charbon activé accomplit des miracles en ce qui me concerne

Activated charcoal works miracles for me

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november 26 2023

Parfait et super aide à la digestion

Perfect and great help for digestion

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