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Multimineral Complex is a supplement containing minerals in their most bioavailable forms and at the optimal doses demonstrated in the latest scientific data. It also contains two forms of magnesium which reduce fatigue, zinc which supports normal immune system function, and ingredients which enhance their absorption such as Bioperine®.
Minerals are micronutrients from rocks which play fundamental roles in the body: they control cardiac activity, regulate the circulation, maintain tissues like the skin and nails, support brain function ... The roles vary depending on the type of mineral.
In theory, all the minerals we need are present in our diet, but in reality, deficiencies are increasingly common due to the rise in consumption of junk food. A lack of minerals usually results in deficiencies in other micronutrients such as vitamins. Iron, for example, promotes the absorption of vitamin B12, and phosphorus improves the bioavailability of vitamin B6, two vitamins in which deficiencies are common.
Multimineral Complex contains several minerals and trace-elements.
At the same time, it contains elements that support the optimal absorption of all these substances:
The scientific community is very interested in the benefits of minerals and their precise role in the body. Here are five recent discoveries on the subject.
We recommend taking one capsule three times a day or as advised by your therapist.
If you need advice on vitamin or mineral supplements, we recommend this video by Hélène Tinguely, our consultant nutritionist: Why take a multivitamin and how do you choose the right one?
Depending on your needs, you may also be interested in the famous supplement Daily 3, which contains numerous vitamins and phytonutrients as well as minerals, or the supplement Daily Booster, a concentrate of micronutrients that is the perfect complement to MultiMineral Complex.
Alongside supplementation, it’s also important to eat a more balanced diet: mineral supplements should complement, rather than replace, the minerals provided by your diet.
This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.
august 8 2024
Produit de qualité aux effets très positifs
Quality product with very positive effects
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may 6 2024
Il prodotto è molto valido,gli ingredienti sono giusti anche x curare osteoporosi
The product is very good, the ingredients are also suitable for treating osteoporosis
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march 30 2024
C’est un bon produit. Je le sens nettement, moins de fatigue, et bien moins de perte de cheveux par exemple.
It is a good product. I can clearly feel it, less fatigue, and significantly less hair loss, for example.
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february 13 2024
Bon produit, mais assez cher.On trouve souvent des complexes multi-vitaminés qui comprennent peu de minéraux. Celui-ci est complet et les enzymes sont un plus appréciable.
Good product, but quite expensive. You often find multivitamin complexes that include few minerals. This one is complete, and the enzymes are a nice bonus.
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december 28 2023
Valable et très utile avec ses apports importants de iode, sélénium, Vit D-3. Avec les autres sels minéraux, ils contribuent à éviter en partie l'acidose, et les enzymes (lipase, protéase, amylase) participent à la digestion d erepas complets.
Valid and very useful with its significant contributions of iodine, selenium, and Vit D-3. Along with other mineral salts, they help partially prevent acidosis, and the enzymes (lipase, protease, amylase) aid in the digestion of complete meals.
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