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Triple Play

Supplement containing 3 renowned aphrodisiac plants

9 reviewsRead reviews

Love potion containing 3 well-known botanical aphrodisiacs

  • Contains valuable extracts of maca, muira puama and catuaba.
  • Helps to maintain good sexual relations in pre- and post-menopausal women, due to its high content of muira puama.
  • 40% of those over 50 have low levels of satisfaction with their sex life.
  • In liquid form for dissolving in a glass of water.

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250 ml

24.00 €


250 ml

24.00 €

22.08 €

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Triple Play

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Triple Play is an aphrodisiac supplement containing extracts of Maca (Lepidium meyenii), muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) and catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba). In liquid form, our elixir helps pre- and post-menopausal women in particular to maintain good sexual relations (1).

What’s behind Triple Play’s benefits?

Aphrodisiac elixirs are usually created in the form of a complex blend of plants added to each other in line with their respective properties. Traditionally, in keeping with an ancient rule for the preparation of remedies, herbalists believed that potions with positive effects were governed by the number 3. Triple Play is no exception to this rule with its blend of three synergistic plants.

  1. Lepidium meyenii, Maca.

  1. Erythroxylum catuaba, catuaba

The first to discover its properties, the indigenous Brazilian Tupi have used catuaba for generations for both male and female needs. In Brazil, catuaba is regarded as an extremely effective plant with well-proven benefits.

  1. Ptychopetalum olacoides, muira puama

Muira puama is a Brazilian bush, long used in popular South American medicine (particularly by the Tupi) as an aphrodisiac and sex tonic to help maintain good sexual relations. Its effects come from its content of specific alkaloids, tannins, phytosterols and sesquiterpenes.

Who is Triple Play for?

Triple Play is aimed at anyone who wants to rekindle the flame of desire, especially women, and in particular:

  • women who rarely reach orgasm;
  • women who have largely stopped having sexual thoughts, who lack erotic imagination;
  • men and women who have lost interest in sex;
  • men and women who feel apprehensive about, or get stressed by sex (anxiety).

Obviously, this only applies when these symptoms are not related to a disease or to the ingestion of toxic substances.

What is in Triple Play

Muira puama bark extract
Dried maca extract
Catuaba extract

Any questions?

Why does female sexual desire decline around the menopause?

The menopause is accompanied by a fall in oestrogen production, leading to a lack of libido in some women, and in particular, vaginal dryness which can make sex less enjoyable and, in turn, produce an indirect decrease in desire.

How should you take Triple Play?

Using the measuring cap provided, we recommend taking 5ml in a glass of water, morning, noon and night. Women can combine this supplement with our Damiana extract. For men who suffer from erectile problems, it can be combined with Prosexstim, a natural stimulant. For greater relaxation and well-being, a better combination choice would be Super Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic extract of Withania somnifera.


This product is rated 3.9 out of 5 stars
There are 9 reviews






Excellent 9 Reviews
M-e. Desrus

august 28 2024

Bonne utilisation

Good use

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Marc Rousselet (france)

august 26 2024

Je ne l ai pas dilue, je le bois pur. Et ca marche!

I did not dilute it, I drink it pure. And it works!

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Freon Gill

june 10 2024

Aucune amélioration

No improvement

SuperSmart's response june 11 2024


Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis sur Trustpilot concernant notre produit Triple Play. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez constaté aucune amélioration.

Triple Play s’adresse à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent raviver la flamme du désir, en particulier aux femmes. Il est particulièrement recommandé dans les situations suivantes :

- Aux femmes qui n’atteignent pas souvent l’orgasme ;

- Aux femmes qui n’ont plus suffisamment de pensées sexuelles ou d’imaginaire érotique ;

- Aux hommes et aux femmes en situation de désintérêt sexuel ;

- Aux hommes et aux femmes qui éprouvent de l’appréhension, voire du stress (phénomènes anxieux), à l’égard des activités sexuelles.

Il est important de noter que ces signes ne doivent pas être liés à une maladie ou à la prise de substances toxiques.

Nous comprenons que chaque personne est unique et que les effets des suppléments peuvent varier. Nous vous conseillons de vérifier que le produit a été utilisé conformément aux instructions et pendant une période suffisante pour en observer les effets. Si les problèmes persistent, nous vous recommandons de consulter un professionnel de santé pour écarter toute cause sous-jacente.

Nous espérons que ces précisions vous seront utiles et restons à votre disposition pour toute question supplémentaire ou conseil personnalisé.


Gaëlle - Supersmart

SuperSmart's response june 11 2024


Thank you for sharing your review on Trustpilot regarding our product Triple Play. We are sorry to hear that you have not noticed any improvement.

Triple Play is intended for anyone who wishes to rekindle the flame of desire, especially women. It is particularly recommended in the following situations:

- For women who do not often reach orgasm;

- For women who no longer have enough sexual thoughts or erotic imagination;

- For men and women experiencing sexual disinterest;

- For men and women who feel apprehension, or even stress (anxiety phenomena), towards sexual activities.

It is important to note that these signs should not be related to an illness or the use of toxic substances.

We understand that each person is unique and that the effects of supplements can vary. We advise you to ensure that the product has been used according to the instructions and for a sufficient period to observe its effects. If the problems persist, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying cause.

We hope that this information will be useful to you and remain at your disposal for any further questions or personalized advice.

Best regards,

Gaëlle - Supersmart

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april 4 2024

Ce produit marche vraiment bien pour moi des les 2 premières prises. Il est Top je ressens plus de désirs.

This product works really well for me from the first two doses. It is great, I feel more desire.

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Pierre Hamon

december 23 2023



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